• Dedications are generally scheduled for the first Sunday of the month and are conducted by the Lead Pastor.
• If you would like to request a different time or would like to have another pastor perform the dedication, please note below.
• Please read Q & A below for more info.
Questions about Child Dedication
1. What is it?
Child dedication is an opportunity for parents to publicly give thanks to God for their children and, together with the congregation, commit themselves to faithfully raise their children in the fear, knowledge, and joy of the Lord.
2. Why should we dedicate our child?
The dedication of children is an act of faith in the presence of God and his people in which we solemnly and earnestly offer our children up to God for his wise and sovereign purposes in their lives. As parents, we offer ourselves as well, surrendering to the holy responsibility of being biblical parents and raising our children in the fear, knowledge, and joy of the Lord.
3. What is the difference between dedication and baptism?
Baptism represents a covenant between God and the individual who is being baptized, signifying their faith and commitment to follow Christ.
On the other hand, Dedication is a commitment between the parent and God, signifying their desire to nurture the child in a faith-based environment and guide them toward a personal relationship with Jesus Christ when they are old enough to make their own decision.
4. At what age can my child be dedicated?
There is no age requirement for dedication, but many parents choose to dedicate their children within the first year or two of life. However, it is not uncommon for older children to be dedicated. It is also not uncommon for parents to dedicate more than one child at a time. Our pastors are happy to discuss this with you if you have questions or need further clarification.
5. Can a single parent dedicate their child?
Yes! Child dedication signifies the commitment of parents (including single parents) to do their best to raise their child to be a follower of Jesus Christ. We highly encourage single parents to dedicate their child as they commit themselves to raising their child without the presence or partnership of a spouse. As a church, Agape is committed to supporting single parents in providing a Christian foundation for their child’s upbringing.
6. Who can stand with me up front, during the dedication?
It is common for parents to include siblings as well as grandparents who are also believers. Additionally, other relatives or close friends may be invited if they are committed to supporting the child's spiritual upbringing. Please communicate with the individuals beforehand and let them know that they will be going up front with you. This will help them understand their role and be prepared to participate in the event.